A Fiddle is a virtual sandbox.
Study postions, move pieces, make branches.
Start a new Fiddle.
Create standard or custom setup.
Or load an entire game with PGN.

Then make moves around the board. From any move, create Branches that are variations off the main game line, create branches off of branches, or split a branch into two branches.

The main "Trunk" is ready for White's move on 13.
Branch "B" (framed in green) explores a White castle "13 O-O-O".
The current move shown on the board is Branch B:21 after "Be4" (in a green rectangle) is played. The origin of
this branch is Trunk:12 "O-O" (in an amber rectangle).

ChessFiddle also allows you to see colorful highlights for moves that a piece can make.

For the White Queen here, safe squares, defended squares and captures are lit.

Each Fiddle can have custom settings for the User Interface, as well as toggling "Strict" mode.

Strict keeps you from making illegal moves - but you can turn it off, which allows you to move any piece
any where regardless of known rules & circumstances.
Keep dozens of Fiddles. Tag, Sort, Annotate & Search.
You can add Notes or Tags to each Fiddle. Throw some Fiddles in your Archive, or completely delete them.

No credit card needed.

ChessFiddle is new.

There are many planned features that are not implemented yet.

Many unplanned features are coming also! Feel free to give us suggestions.